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Before you start a blog or what I like to call an “online journal” you have to ask yourself what do I plan on accomplishing by creating a blog?. My first suggestions are to plan, plan and PLAN! Come up with a catchy name that defines yourself or your business. This is what we call the old sink and hook method. Sink your ideas and everyone will be hooked.

In addition,  to a catchy name presentation attracts the eye. This is where you can go wild and creative when picking your blog theme. So all you newbies bloggers we created some tips that we found beneficial when creating our blog.  We hope you enjoy the tips.


Tip #1-Originality counts come up with your own ideas. Nobody likes a copycat so use your own works and pay homage when referencing other authors and sites.


Tip #2-Make your content exciting and fresh. Your audience will love a blogger who is relevant and can keep up with current events.


 Tip #3-Ask yourself where does your inspiration and ideas come from and use this as a key motivator to continuously pump out revitalizing blog posts. Consistency is key!


Tip #4-Promote yourself and use social media to target and attract an audience. This is also a great way to set realistic goals and to network.


Tip #5-Rule of thumb writing more than 300 words is idea and anything more than 1000 words is overkill. Make it sweet and to the point!


 Tip #6-Measure your growth use Google analytics it’s free! There are numerous tools to track your progress so take advantage of the free tools.


Tip #7-Share your spotlight by creating a section for a guest blogger or give a shout and pay homage.


Tip #8-Companies like when you mention there name its free advertisement for them and free swag for you!


Tip #9-Make your blog warm and friendly. Open your blog up for comments and suggestions you never know what useful information can be used for your progress.


Tip #10- Have fun this is your domain and you can do what you want.



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