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“Life’s rewards go to those who let their actions rise above their excuses.” – Lee J. Colan

Excuses are a funny thing. They are easy to come up, often before you even realize you’ve made one. I have so many times purposed in the course of my day to start or complete a task and when it does not get done I can find an excusable reason for it and feel validated.  I mean, after all, it really wasn’t my fault that I didn’t cook dinner, or clean the garage, or do that workout I planned.  There are only so many hours in the day, I can’t help it if I couldn’t quite get to that business plan I was supposed to create.

I get it. We all plan to do things that don’t get done.  So my question is in your ability to manage your time.  What stops you from accomplishing the most important tasks in your day that should ultimately lead you towards reaching your stated goals? I have a very bad habit of often doing what is easiest first. I spend most of my time doing what I can knock out quickly, but does not lead me towards my goals first.  I feel tired at the end of the day and I love being able to check things off my list, and yet I still find myself caught in the rat race of life simply because I haven’t prioritized my to do list.

Today, I recognize my ability to craft excuses for myself. I see it. I accept it. And now I vow to CHANGE it. I hope that you too, make the choice to let your actions rise above your excuses. Focus on your goals, rally the support you need to get there and make it happen!  Don’t simply take credit for the great things that happen in your life, but also take responsibility for your life when things go wrong and own it. Own your thoughts, your mind, your actions and your reactions. No one can make you a victim.

I hope this inspires your to become your very best, reach your goals, shake the haters and excuses life brings your way.


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