We all have them. We hate them. When you are trying to get focused on a task at hand and something…EVERYTHING is just going the opposite as planned. Those days suck. But look on the bright side, you know you are headed in the right direction when you face a bit of adversity, for nothing worth having is every truly easy. That said, how can you get back on track when your day has gone awry?
1. Take a moment to realize this is normal. So don’t beat yourself up about it. It happens to the best of us. Take a moment to center yourself and refocus your efforts to maximize what’s left of the hour, day or week. (Here’s where some meditation or breathing exercises really help. Even a quick walk or some desk exercises can be useful strategies to clear your head and relieve a bit of frustration).
2. Now that you are refocused, re-prioritize your to do list. What can be moved around to help you maximize the time you have left? Make your adjustments and get to work!
3. Just do it. Don’t waste another minute worrying about the lost time. You are now back in grind mode. You have to push ahead to work through these times.
You can still see success after lost time. Don’t allow these moments to distract you from your overall mission. These things happen, but you are stronger than a bad day!