An open letter to a friend:

You are too distracted. You have to keep your eyes on the prize and push (mentally, emotionally and physically) past the things that come between you and your goals. Think of the Law of Attraction.  What are you attracting by complaining about all the things that have hindered you?  You are only creating more hurdles […]

Days Gone Awry

We all have them. We hate them. When you are trying to get focused on a task at hand and something…EVERYTHING is just going the opposite as planned. Those days suck. But look on the bright side, you know you are headed in the right direction when you face a bit of adversity, for nothing […]

Fertile soil from which creativity grows. #coffee #love #PicLabHD

Instagram coffee

Fusce risus purus, malesuada euismod eleifend in, auctor vel urna. Maecenas tempus enim et interdum tempus. Morbi pellentesque massa vel turpis condimentum laoreet. Nam imperdiet lacus sit amet tempus gravida. Aliquam at tempus sapien. Quisque pulvinar lacus tortor, vel rhoncus elit porta eget. Nullam consectetur leo quis velit volutpat rutrum. Nullam justo mi, bibendum eu […]

What’s in a plan?

Although most can agree that planning is important, they really don’t understand why. I often see things done one of two ways: The people who spend countless hours planning and never doing The people who don’t want to be like the first group, so they do without a plan I think both are incorrect. You […]

Post with image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque accumsan neque a risus fermentum egestas. Vivamus quis lacinia ante. Nunc sodales dui non diam tempus lacinia ut sit amet est. Donec eu placerat quam. Curabitur sed sollicitudin eros. Donec nunc leo, porta ut elementum eget, dapibus vel ante. Aliquam massa nunc, tincidunt at ornare a, […]

Success Starts with You

Success really does start with you. But don’t be fooled by the cliché message here. Realizing there are many levels and aspects to success will help you reach the level you desire. Most of time, success will depend on your personal investment of both time and energy and often times your assets (liquid or otherwise). […]

Gallery format

Morbi quam libero, accumsan at vestibulum sed, semper id risus. Donec dapibus volutpat facilisis. Donec eu urna id nulla tincidunt euismod id ac mi. Pellentesque feugiat mi sed ligula blandit semper. Vivamus varius, tellus quis fermentum interdum, mauris quam rutrum arcu, id ultricies risus dolor nec metus. Aenean elit leo, egestas at dignissim quis, facilisis […]

Music in my soul

Cras facilisis imperdiet nisi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at est condimentum, porttitor nunc vel, consectetur neque. Ut id varius sapien, id dapibus purus. In auctor nisl sit amet egestas porta. Nam magna dui, gravida in nisl sed, dapibus tincidunt lacus. Fusce tellus quam, pellentesque tincidunt congue sed, blandit […]

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