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B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

I know I may be behind the times on this, but change is never easy!  I love my smart phone, but sometimes, a good ole pen and paper does the trick, or in my case, my handy dandy paper calendar.  I get an appointment, I write it in my calendar. I really don’t know why, but something was comforting about going back to that week and looking over all the notes, dates, times, etc. I felt like I had my schedule under control.  But over time, we continue to use more and more technology.  I was beginning to get those funny looks when I pulled out my paper calendar. I began to walk into meetings without it, or leave it in the car when I was running errands.  Then I would make it back to my car and realize I forgot some detail, or I would forget altogether!  When you are growing a business, this is just unacceptable. We have to be on top of our schedule and I knew it was time for a change.

I finally dropped my paper calendar altogether.  I went completely digital. It’s not as bad as I thought.  I have been able to check my calendar on the spot (since I ALWAYS have my phone on the go), and I can make notes, set my reminders, see conflicts, put in the locations which my navigation pulls up automatically for me and more.  What was I thinking holding on to that stupid book for so long!  I have now been carrying nothing but my phone for about 3 months and it feels great. This is one change I am glad I made.



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