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Happy New Year!

Each year we discuss goals, resolutions, and how to become a new, better us.

My first question is, how did that go for you last year?  Or the year before that?  See, few of us have the resolve to make and stick to a long list of goals, especially without accountability and immediate results. Most of us are not disciplined enough without constant motivation and a sense of progress.

So my question to you how can you build immediate gratification into your long term goals for 2015? What can you do give yourself that motivational push to keep you moving forward daily, weekly, monthly?

These are not directly questions I can answer as a whole; however, I urge you to spend time working through your reward system.

My last new year tip is to always remember the 80/20 rule.  The hard core truth is the 80% of the goals you set for the year will not be accomplished even if you reward yourself sooner and often.  So focus on the top 20% of your goals.  Select the most important goals to set your best rewards system for so you can maximize your results.  This doesn’t mean not to set, work towards or focus on the other 80, but I have always felt this rule just seems to put things into perspective 🙂

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