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It seems there are a million tools out there available for your use to help you organize.  I myself have fallen victim to wanting to try out every new tracking system available.  Some people love automation and apps and some love the tried and true paper methods.  There is always a new template that looks new and modern or a top rated feature that everyone is raving about. 

The trick I’ve found is to find ONE (uno, ichi, eins…you get the point) method that works best for you.  Don’t believe all the hype you hear about what others are using. 

Do you always have your phone in your hand?  Then finding an app to track your budget/expense and an app for your To Do list may work well. Do you love to write things down?  Then keeping a notebook and pen on hand will probably be the best way to go. Can’t leave home without your iPad or laptop?  A template you create or find online could be a viable solution. 

There are no shortage of options to help you track your goals, your finances and your list of things to do.  Pick one, that’s the easy part; the tough part is being consistent and sticking to your goals long enough to see them through.

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