Keep Calm….And be ASSERTIVE

B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

I can’t talk about Assertiveness enough. In a world where busy is often an understatement, I find that people do not assert themselves enough when managing both their time and commitment.


B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetProactive (adj.) – taking action and making changes before they need to be made, rather than waiting until problems develop Reactive (adj.) – reacting tot hings that happen rather than making things happen yourself When thinking through the role of a proactive leader, the ideal destination to reach would be […]

Work your Plan

B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetSo many times I hear of people making plans that never come to fruition. I too am guilty of having notebooks filled with plans that sound absolutely wonderful…and then I don’t follow through. Then you have the other side of the tracks where people don’t even set goals or make […]

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