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So many times I hear of people making plans that never come to fruition. I too am guilty of having notebooks filled with plans that sound absolutely wonderful…and then I don’t follow through. Then you have the other side of the tracks where people don’t even set goals or make plans only because they anticipate not following through. I don’t know which one is worse!
Some of the reasons I believe the average person doesn’t follow through on the commitments they make (to themselves and others) is because they haven’t been realistic. They haven’t been realistic about their time, their energy level, their motivation, or their finances. Take just one of your “goals” and tell me how much time it will take, how much of a buffer for time you’ve added in, how much money it’s going to cost to achieve that goal, what resources are going to go into it, and if you want that goal enough to sacrifice a few things to make it happen.
What I find when making a plan is that we have to challenge ourselves to what we feel we can realistically meet. If you are stressed out at work, don’t challenge yourself to a super large home improvement project during the week. You won’t make it because you’re too tired, and that’s ok. If you push too hard, you burn out at both work and home rending you no good to anyone. It is more realistic to see how you can stretch that home improvement project across a few weekends after some good and restful sleep on a Friday or Saturday night. The challenge is getting the project done, but you don’t always have to be superman/woman to do it.
Make a plan that truly works for you and not what you think looks good on your to do list. The real goal is to actually accomplish your goals!

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