Getting to the NItty-Gritty
Don’t let Hollywood define this for you. YOU. Yes, I mean you. Take some time to close your eyes and visualize what a “successful” life really looks like to you.
Don’t let Hollywood define this for you. YOU. Yes, I mean you. Take some time to close your eyes and visualize what a “successful” life really looks like to you.
Then get started creating the next stream by capitalizing on something that you have a passion for or that interest you. When you begin making a profit, don’t go buy a new pair of Jordan’s or a Coach purse…though both can be tempting. Instead, take that positive cash flow and pay down debt, save, reinvest, or start a 3rd stream.
How does this help you grow? Well, as a business owner, this cannot be you. <— This is a period. If this is you, you are not cut out for business ownership. Trials meet every business owner, and if you can’t navigate through the tough times, you are wasting your time and the time of others.
B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetI have to redo my productivity journal post since changing the name of this business. But this relates to questions I’ve been asked repeatedly, so I think not only is this post overdue, the video will be coming shortly. A productivity journal is a productivity management tool. Some know this […]
Every once in a while, you come across a project, an initiative, a cause worth stopping the regular flow of life to help bring to fruition. This was one of those times. I don’t regret one bit of it. But then, once the dust settles, you also realize you displace those around, namely your family. And so, my thoughts for today are getting back to the balance.
This means we have to learn to create small wins for ourselves on the way to a big win. As well, we have to alter our rewards system in a way that doesn’t include damaging behavior, such as reversing our wins. This is often seen with savings or weight loss goals. You cannot reward your gym time with cake and you can’t reward your saving habits with new shoes…
I knew to “go for no” and how sales were a numbers game. I learned all you can learn as a sales person except how to provide value.
I can’t talk about Assertiveness enough. In a world where busy is often an understatement, I find that people do not assert themselves enough when managing both their time and commitment.
B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetThree Barriers to Change: Our Iceberg is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions by John Kotter Within every organization there is an existing culture that can make it difficult to introduce change. Because the culture is intangible, it essentially lives within the attitudes, beliefs and values of the individuals […]
B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetLet me start by saying that I hate sales people. I hate the thought that you only see me as a means to an end…as in, your paycheck. You can usually tell with a lot of sale people that they are not really concerned with finding the right solution for […]