Is your lack of friends stunting your growth?

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Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or building a business, even if you’re just working a 9-5, having an awesome and extensive network will always work to your benefit. Just to start, sources say that 65-80% of jobs come from a personal connection.

4 Common Email Mistakes  

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If you are in business it’s likely you have developed an e-mail list by which you hope to keep in contact with past, current and future customers. This is a great idea. However there are some common mistakes that you may be doing which prevent you from reaching your goals.

Is your mind set for failure or growth?

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…Do you have clear goals laid out or do you jump at any opportunity that sounds good?

The Importance of Professional Development

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You finished your degree, you started your business, you have a few certificates…you’ve done well for yourself. Why do you need to continue to self-educate? The world at large is ever changing. Best practices and standards are changing constantly. New laws, new ways to communicate, new technologies and new guides are shifting all the time. Keeping up with these changes are should be a top concern in your business, especially as a small or local business. Appearing to be incompetent can be detrimental to your credibility with your local customer base.

The Relaunch of CODE

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The purpose of CODE is to focus in on the importance of small business owners developing as business owners, leaders and overall professionals.

Are you doomed to be small forever?

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…They never get their business past operating through themselves. This means you aren’t growing, hiring, training or developing any one to run or care for your business in your absence.

You are Your Brand

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B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!Tweet /> I had a wonderful coffee meeting with a fellow associate yesterday and we discussed some interesting aspects of building a small business.  One of those topics centered on the idea of your reputation.  We’ve all heard the line “your reputation precedes you.”  And when we hear that line […]

What’s in a plan?

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B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!Tweet Although most can agree that planning is important, they really don’t understand why. I often see things done one of two ways: The people who spend countless hours planning and never doing The people who don’t want to be like the first group, so they do without a plan […]

Success Starts with You

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B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetSuccess really does start with you. But don’t be fooled by the cliché message here. Realizing there are many levels and aspects to success will help you reach the level you desire. Most of time, success will depend on your personal investment of both time and energy and often times […]

The A Team

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B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!Tweet When you open your business, you should always focus 80% of your efforts on the activities that make you money – usually, that would be whatever your business specializes in.  Some people when they are just starting out wear so many hats that they lose focus on what makes […]

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