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As a New Year kicks off, many are discouraged from setting New Year’s resolutions since we all know the success rate is extremely low. Reportedly the success rate of New Year’s resolution is approximately 8%.  So this means about 92% of “resolutions” go without follow through. Does this mean that we don’t strive to either 1) increase the success rate by becoming successful ourselves? Or 2) be part of the 8% by making the decision to follow through on the goals we set for ourselves.  So how can we successfully accomplish something we’ve set out to do?  Here are a few tips on how to succeed in your goals:

  1. Write it down:  As people, we are fluid.  Our thoughts and actions have a tendency to change with how we feel or what is trending around us. We have an enormous amount of stimuli being pumped into our heads each day from media all around us.  How do we stay focused on the goals we’ve set for ourselves? We write it down and keep it in front of us.
  2. Make a plan:  When you set out to make something happen, set it out with a plan of attack. It’s ok if things don’t go 100% according to the plan. The point of the plan is to help you stay prepared when your resolve beings to weaken. It’s also to make sure you have the tools you need. In most cases, the plan need not be riddled down with details, but a basic plan to help you keep your course.
  3. Accountability:  The primary point of accountability is so that someone can both remind and encourage you when you are feeling weak in your resolve. We all get there. You don’t need someone check in on your each day, but more like someone you can call when things are getting rough, or when you feel unmotivated.
  4. Follow through: One of the key elements to follow through is being reasonably consistent. This means to build a habit. I use the word reasonably because many people are often discouraged when they mess up.  We all mess up. The point is to keep pushing forward so that over time, you will mess up less. Don’t set unrealistic expectations of yourself or you will fail. If you don’t go to the gym at all, don’t expect you will go 6 days a week. But you can train yourself to go 2 or 3 times.

We love to hear from our readers.  If you have set some goals for yourself this year, share them with us!


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