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B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

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If you’ve been interested in the field of business, entrepreneurship or just money in general, you’ve been exposed to your fair share of motivational and textbook talk.  We’ve heard of the law of attraction, how to organize, how to do more with less, how to push through failure, and we’ve all had enough inspirational quotes shoved down our throats to last a lifetime.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I read these same books, I post these quotes and I give these speeches just like the next leader.  Why?  Because they work.  But they work because the truly dedicated work them.  The truly successful get up early, stay up late, research, learn, find mentors, they push with a great sense of urgency and tenacity. 

Quite frankly, that passion and desire to succeed can’t be taught. You have it or you don’t.  You want it bad enough that you eat, sleep, drink, breathe your desires and passions.  If that is not you, then maybe you’re doing the wrong thing.  What moves you? What keeps you up at night with excitement?  What turns on the lights in your eyes?  If your business doesn’t do this, you may be in the wrong business.  All of these things that leaders encourage you to do and read and practice work, but are you working them?

Building a sustainable organization that profits and continually reaches new heights takes time, dedication (sometimes a little luck) and a lot of heart. If you have these things, stop looking for some magic formula, or a secret. Follow the tried and true principals of success.  Innovate your service and your product, but when it comes to the fundamentals of success, as my momma says, “don’t fix what’s not broken!”



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