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Today’s woes are filled with many litigation and legal issues. Trying to understand everything from your obligation in a binding agreement to finding out the most current and up to date laws (local and federal) regarding your industry, hiring practices, taxation, etc. can be extremely cumbersome and confusing. Yet, many entrepreneurs decide to take on this task alone and forgo hiring an attorney.  I believe this is because having an attorney on retainer or hiring one as needed is often costly.  For many start-ups and small businesses, high cost intangible services can be a scary and intimidating factor, especially if you are unsure of how valuable the services really are.

Here are 5 reasons you should have an attorney on your team:

1. The law is complicated.  You are not an attorney, so don’t act like one. Often, even attorneys hire attorney’s to represent them in court.  When you fail to hire a lawyer when starting a business, reviewing or creating a contract or beginning other ventures with potential legal implications, it can result in otherwise avoidable pitfalls.

2. Not having an attorney can actually cost you more. Hiring an attorney can actually save or make you money while not having one can place you at a huge financial risk. What do you stand to lose?  A civil case could majorly impact your finances. And while many civil attorneys don’t collect unless they win your case, you may be able to claim legal fees as a plaintiff in a civil case.

3. Lawyers understand how to properly prepare and file court documents and other legal procedures. When you are dealing with legal matters, time is always of the essence.  Trying to take on the legal system solo could leave you struggling with protocol, proper documentation, deadlines and more for properly filing certain legal documents. Late and incorrect filings could wreck your case, cause costly delays or worse.

4. It is usually better to avoid a problem rather than try to fix it once they arise. Have you ever heard the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” Having an attorney in many instances can keep you from potential headaches with the legal system later on down the road. Most likely, you don’t really understand the legalese in the contract you’re signing anyway! Your attorney will however, and will help make sure it’s in your best interest before you sign your name on that dotted line.

5. They have legal representation. As you grow your organization, you will undoubtedly begin to have larger clients and vendors.  Businesses not represented by an attorney are likely to be at a huge disadvantage when challenging or entering into an agreement with another organization and their opposing counsel.

WJ Business Specialists, LLP and our legal team can provide you and your organization with assistance in starting your business, creating, reviewing or modifying your contract and give you the legal advice you need to operate within the confine of the law. With affordable prices and top notch attorneys, e-mail us at and we can match your need and put you in touch with an attorney today.



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