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B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

. Sure, it’s easy enough to get a good friend who will “help you out” when you want to impress someone and know the outcome. And sure, because we all know we can get a friend to do us a favor, maybe we think all referrals are favors.

Truth is, regardless of if you are friends or not, referrals do drive business. They are a sound revenue source and should not be taken lightly. Friends do business with friends. And when you don’t have a personal friend in the industry you are looking for, you will gladly take the friend of a friend. So how can you begin to leverage your referral base?

1. Yep. It’s that simple. Ask your friends, family and even colleagues if they know of anyone who can use your services
2. Ask your current and past customers. If they have had a good experience with you, many of them would gladly give up their contacts, or at least make a call/e-mail/LinkedIn intro on your behalf.
3. Ask your networks. Being a part of a board, group, or club is great for all types of reasons. One of those reasons is the extra exposure to people who you don’t always directly work with or know, but still have common interests with.
When it comes to asking, you don’t have to be pushy, or demanding, but simply asking to earn the opportunity can go a long way. Don’t assume that you have the business simply because of your relationship, instead, ask if due to the relationship, you can have first dibs, and then show them you’re worth the chance – And don’t let them regret giving you the opportunity.

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