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As an entrepreneur (a.k.a an extremely busy person), I push organization.  There are many myths about organization.  Some think you are born organized or you aren’t.  Others equate organization to tidiness; some believe it takes a lot of time to be organized.  The truth is none of these statements are true. 

The real purpose behind organization is to work smarter not harder.  Organization is simply a set of learned habits you can set for yourself.  Once they become habitual, you will find you can manage your time, and often your stress level more effectively.  Learning how to best organize the specifics of your life can be challenging, but the field of professional organization has grown significantly over the years.  Find a local organizer and let them help you.

To bust the 2nd myth mentioned above, organization is being able to complete tasks on time and find things when you need them.  Sometimes you can have organized chaos.  The key is in your ability to be effective and timely.

The last one is the best. Being organized doesn’t take long to accomplish if you have a plan, and in the end, it saves you a lot of time.  If you own your own business, you know that time equals money.  Period.  So learn to save some time!  I wish I could remember where I got this parable as I cannot take credit for it, but someone once told me of The Man with an Ax: 

A man had a brand new ax and was able to chop down 30 trees. Each day he began to work longer and harder and couldn’t chop as many trees.  One day a fella passed by and suggested he sharpen his ax. The Man with the ax said he didn’t have time; he needed to chop more trees.

Moral: Working harder and longer does not save you time. When you are organized, you use less time completing the same tasks, thus saving you time.

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