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I stress to friends and family the importance of being organized. The very thought of stopping your busy schedule to file papers can give you a range of emotions from an overwhelming sense of boredom to a sheer panic attack.  But there are several advantages to being organized and the initial investment of time can save you stress, fees, embarrassment and opportunities in the future.

Here are a few examples you may relate to:

  • Are you trying to get financing but can’t find your tax returns?
  • Do you have a medical emergency but can’t find your insurance card or medical records?
  • Are you trying to leave your home but can’t find your keys?

Getting organized is almost like the saying “it’s easier to keep up than to catch up.”  I hated my dad repeating that stupid phrase to me, but over time, it has proven to be a true fact in life. Taking the time to organize yourself is a small investment for the waves life will toss your way.

The good news is that with our current technology, organizing some areas of your life can be quite simple. I have recently stumbled upon an online and mobile site that allows you to track some key areas in your life.  I will be trailing this service for a few months and report back with all of you in a few months.  However, I encourage you to check it out.

Currently in my home, I have a binder that holds a significant amount of information that I need to find quickly.  I will create another post to cover how to organize your important documents.  Check back with us next week to learn more!

If you find the information here helpful, please forward us to your friends and family.


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