Kicking off the New Year in an Organized Way

B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetThis month is all about getting ORGANIZED! As the year comes to a close we want to help you shift your focus on how to get ready for 2016. Stay connected for tips and tricks on how to organize your space, your productivity and your goals. We have several videos […]

The Numbers are the Numbers

B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetLet me start by saying that I hate sales people.  I hate the thought that you only see me as a means to an end…as in, your paycheck.  You can usually tell with a lot of sale people that they are not really concerned with finding the right solution for […]

Building your Business Development Skills

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B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetBusiness development is a key part of building your business. It can also be the toughest. Especially if you’re not a sales person, such as myself. I hate the feeling that I’m being “sold” on something and therefore, I hate the thought of “selling” you on my service. But to […]

What’s in a plan?

B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!Tweet Although most can agree that planning is important, they really don’t understand why. I often see things done one of two ways: The people who spend countless hours planning and never doing The people who don’t want to be like the first group, so they do without a plan […]

The A Team

B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!Tweet When you open your business, you should always focus 80% of your efforts on the activities that make you money – usually, that would be whatever your business specializes in.  Some people when they are just starting out wear so many hats that they lose focus on what makes […]

Cost Effective Marketing

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B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetMarketing is an essential task regardless of what stage your business is in.  Once your organization has reached a certain level in terms of sustainable revenue, you may consider getting a marketing department or enlisting the help of a firm that can help focus on your marketing needs full time. […]

Filing Basics

B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetSomething like filing seems so be so basic and not a big deal, but being able to place your hands on important documents in a timely manner as well as being able to keep your space organized is a big deal.  As they say, the devil is in the details. […]

Stop Looking

B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetI stress to friends and family the importance of being organized. The very thought of stopping your busy schedule to file papers can give you a range of emotions from an overwhelming sense of boredom to a sheer panic attack.  But there are several advantages to being organized and the […]

Why I Love Accordion Files

B2BThrive - Helping Your Business Grow!

B2BThrive – Helping Your Business Grow!TweetThere are so many uses for an accordion file. Of course, we all know they can hold your bills or file papers.  However, the come in a variety of sizes and pockets and can have multiple purposes around the house.  Here are my 3 favorite uses for the accordion file: Keep […]

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