Let me start by saying that I hate sales people. I hate the thought that you only see me as a means to an end…as in, your paycheck. You can usually tell with a lot of sale people that they are not really concerned with finding the right solution for you, for customizing your service or for giving you the best they have to offer. They often seem rushed, out of touch with what you are saying and they look to push options on you that just don’t match you needs. There is a lot I hate about “sales people.” However; the one thing they understand is the numbers. They know that if they talk to enough people, they will get the sales. Most of them have it down to an exact science. They know exactly how many people they need to talk to each day to make or beat their quota. Even if they have horrible service, they know they can hit their targets just by going through the numbers.
So how can you capitalize on the numbers in your business development efforts? By knowing the weak points in the “the numbers” system that a great deal of sales people use, you can exploit those weaknesses to gain a loyal clientele as well as repeat clients. Here are 3 tips that will help you develop your business prospects.
- Take the time to listen to your perspective clients. This may seem obvious, but many sales people offer clients things they simply do not need or want. When you take the time to listen to them, you can offer them solutions they need and want and that will set you apart from your competition.
- Take your time. Give your perspective client the time they need to make a decision. This doesn’t mean allow them to waste your time being hung up in between decision, but don’t make them feel rushed. To gain great work of mouth business and repeat business, your client shouldn’t feel like you see them as paycheck but as an elite and important person who you genuinely want to help.
- Remember it is still a numbers game, but you can play your hand a lot smarter and gain a loyal following by qualifying your leads and treating them with a personal touch.