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Email marketingIf you are in business it’s likely you have developed an e-mail list by which you hope to keep in contact with past, current and future customers.  This is a great idea.  However there are some common mistakes that you may be doing which prevent you from reaching your goals.

Before diving into those 4 reasons, let’s be sure you are subscribing to the CAN SPAM standards for e-mail marketing in the United States.  The biggest point to remember is that you need permission to send an email.

Assuming you have that permission and you provide an “opt-out” or “unsubscribe” option for your list, you should be okay. You can then turn your focus to these other common mistakes and be sure that you are making any of them.

  1. Sending before you test. Most e-mail systems allow you to send a test e-mail before you send off the real deal.  This means you can proofread, test links, be sure images are showing up the way you intend them. Sending email with one or (worse) more of these mistakes can diminish your credibility, especially if you send them this way regularly.
  2. Using uninteresting subject lines. We are often inundated by emails daily.  Why should I open your “November Newsletter” when I’m already swamped as work?  Creating a catchy subject is a better way to grab the attention of your e-mail list and have them actually open it.
  3. Not using an e-mail marketing system. Yes, they can be costly, so do some research and pick one that works best for you, however; these systems come with some features you need to pay attention to, namely, an easy opt-out system, templates to help with your brand identity, and ANALYTICS!!  Analytics are super important for successful e-mail marketing.  Studying those pesky numbers can help you determine the open rate, unsubscribe rate, and even help figure out the best time of day to send your e-mail for optimal opens.
  4. Not consistent or overly pitchy. If you randomly send your e-mails with no rhyme or reason to them, or only send emails to sell something, your readership will likely not care to open your e-mails. Work on creating a consistent schedule for your e-mails and a specific marketing campaign when you are selling something. This can also help with your overall brand, so that you don’t become associated with spamming.

Working on your e-mail marketing is a sure way to help boost your business and your brand.  We hope these tips help you avoid the common mistakes in your marketing campaign and increase your open rate.  If this information was helpful, please share! Leave any questions or comments below.





Jice Johnson
Business Development Specialist

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