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Life – It never works out like you planned  Make a plan

As children we are given an unrealistic picture on life.  Even if you didn’t come from the most stable of home lives, the idea that’s pushed through media and school says that life has a fairly predictable path. As we grow older and face the realities of life, we can often feel misled by our initial beliefs.  This is often especially difficult for those of us who feel we have worked the path we were told would lead to success and happiness.  These unrealistic expectations can actually bog down our minds and lead us to believing that something we are doing (or not doing) is causing us to have undesirable outcomes.

For example, most of us are pretty familiar with the following path

  • Graduate high school
  • Go to college
  • Get a good job
  • Get married
  • Buy a house
  • Have a kid or two

However, very few accomplish life in this order.  Many who graduate high school don’t go to college.  Many who go to college don’t land the “good job” they hoped for.  Marriage is on a decline these days, home ownership is iffy and children seem to pop up anywhere in this arrangement for some, and not at all for many.

So what do you do to get life on the track you want?

You envision the life you want (your desired outcomes) and you make deliberate steps towards those.  Learn from your actions and adjust.

I call this building a life plan.  Your life plan is a living document that should reflect your desired outcomes for your life and detail some action steps to making it happen.  Each time you take a step, you must adjust your plan.  It’s not a one-time exercise. Your life plan is designed to do three (3) main things:

  1. Focus in on your desired outcomes
  2. Minimize distractions
  3. Create or detour opportunities

Check out this video to learn more!


Jice Johnson
Business Development Specialist

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