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Customer Service Customer Experience

Have you ever looked into the eyes of a raging client and found yourself imagining (for just a moment) your fingers around their throat? I mean, let’s just be real for a moment…you and I, fellow business owners… Customers can sometime get under our skin, especially when we know we’ve done all we can to give them the best product or service. So I completely understand, customer service can be a sore topic. 

But thanks to the ever changing access to technologies and information at their fingertips, customers are smarter than ever. This makes them less loyal than ever, leaving you wondering what you can do to retain your customers.

Since we know it cost less to retain a customer than it does to get a new one, investing some time and a little money can really make a difference for your business. I give you some ideas on tools you can implement to help you in this free monthly call recording.  After all, the support you provide your customer and the overall experience they have when interacting with you is a major part of your brand that can boost or kill your business.

Creating your customer experience strategy isn’t as difficult as you may think.  If you can work these 3 ideas into your strategy, you will be on your way to differentiating your business from your competitors in the minds of your customers.

Vision. Consider what your vision for your customer is. Create a statement that will guide you and your employees that keep the vision you have for your customers at the forefront of your customer experience.

Get Emotional.  Think back on a brand or a company you love.  One you rave about.  Loyalty is attached to emotion. How do you want customers to think or feel after coming into contact with your company?

Get Feedback.  Ask your customers how they are doing.  Ask how your service or products is helping to meet their needs. Get feedback on your team.  And no matter what, when you get some constructive feedback, act on it! Acting is the most important part of this.  This let’s your customer know you worked to hear them.  Let them know you understood them.  Let them know you did your best to meet their needs even if you weren’t able to resolve the problem.


Jice Johnson

Jice Johnson, owner of B2BThrive and BBI Professional describes herself as a mother, activist, entrepreneur, wealth builder, investor, Pan Afrikkan, blogger, speaker, coach, traveler and community member.  

Jice Johnson
Business Development Specialist

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